EMHPs and CWPs are professional roles within the Psychological Professions Taxonomy of the Psychological Professions Network (PPN).
The Community of Practice (CoP) was created to work alongside the PPN in the East of England. It has 3 main aims:
- Bringing together professionals working in specific areas.
- Sharing learning, resources and good practice, for example, accessibility and reasonable adjustments.
- To come together and raise the profiles of different professions and projects across the region.
Meetings take place via Teams, four times of year. Please refer to the East of England PPN Events Page for upcoming CoP dates.
Meetings include discussing things like good practice, accreditation, new ideas e.g. for interventions etc. It’s also a good opportunity for continued professional development.
After each meeting, we feedback our discussions to Maggie Rosairo, Chair of the East of England Psychological Professions Network, who liaises with larger stakeholders like NHS England.
If you are interested in joining or for further information, please contact us at: