We are inviting proposals to develop regional subnetworks, either by professional group or by area of interest.
There are already 3 PPN subnetworks developing and growing across the region. Please click on the names of the Subnetworks to read more about them:
Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, chaired by Simon Winter
Health Psychologists, chaired by Chloe Stewart
Aspiring Psychological Professionals, chaired by Amy Pound and Rachel Nethercott
We have also received a new proposal for:
Education Mental Health Practitioners, please read here from Claire Lennox.
The PPN originally started in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. We are now expanding, and it will be interesting how existing subnetworks will grow across the South East going forward. We therefore invite any colleagues from across the South East region to get in touch with their comments and thoughts about our subnetworks, by emailing us at