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Promoting Excellence In Psychological Health & Wellbeing

Psychologically Informed Crisis Care Project

16 Feb 24

Project information and Community of Practice Membership

PROJECT: Psychologically Informed Crisis Care Project (PPN South East)

The PPN-SE has commissioned a six month project, drawing on a nationally funded NHSE initiative focussing on mental health crisis care.


  • Map the psychological therapy workforce across the adult acute mental health pathway
  • Outline the recommended psychological interventions for Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) services
  • Identify areas of innovative and best practice
  • Describe psychologically informed models of care (e.g. trauma informed care; team based formulation)
  • Identify improved outcomes and wider service benefits when care is psychologically informed
  • Consider training recommendations for teams developing a psychologically informed way of working.
  • Create a community of practice for those delivering and using crisis care in the South East

As part of this project, we are asking our colleagues in Crisis CRHT services to complete a questionnaire to help us think about some of the issues, topics and themes the community of practice may focus on to help inform the project above.

We welcome feedback and responses from all - Psychologically Informed Crisis Project

We have also created a Psychologically Informed Crisis Project Flyer that you can download and distribute throughout Crisis and CRHT services.

The PPN-SE has now created the Crisis Community of Practice; CRHT.


  • Bree Macdonald (Professional Lead for Psychological Therapy in Acute Care, Sussex Partnership)
  • Laura Goody (Principle Clinical Psychologist, CRHTT Oxford Health) 


The Crisis Community of Practice; CRHT will provide a safe space for networking and development opportunities for people who working within NHS Commissioned adult acute mental health pathways. The Crisis Community of Practice; CRHT will also give members an opportunity to give advice and opinion to a paper we are writing on "developing psychologically informed crisis teams in the south east".

We would also like to hear from you about what you would like to be included in this piece of work. What you would value having further information about, and what you think your team or trust is curious about.


To join the Crisis Community of Practice; CRHT (C CoP) membership

The information provided will be kept confidential between the PPN-SE and Crisis Community of Practice; CRHT Committee members.

We have provided a flyer which has this information attached for you ease of dissemination.   QUESTIONS?   

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject: Crisis CoP; CRHT - Question

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