The purpose of the Psychological Professions Network (PPN) South East Psychological Practitioners Community of Practice (PP CoP) is to connect all Psychological Practitioners, at all stages of their careers, together with Experts by Experience that have used Practitioner services across the region to:
This list is not exhaustive, as the network is evolving, developing, and growing.
Eligibility for membership of the PPN-SE Psychological Practitioners Community of Practice includes Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWP), Educational Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP), Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioners (MHWP), Children's Wellbeing Practitioners (CWP), Youth Intensive Psychological Practitioners (YIPP) and Experts by Experience (EbE) working in NHS commissioned healthcare across the SE region. You can find out more about the Psychological Practitioners Community of Practice here.
We have now created a NHS Future platform in which Psychological Practitioners CoP members can share good practice, engage in live conversations and view upcoming events. This platform is now created and being reviewed by the Experts of Experiences of the PPN-SE. After this review, the platform will be reviewed by the PP CoP committee before going live for members.
Please watch this space and the newsletters for the launch of the NHS Futures platform.
You can join the PP CoP by completing this membership form: