If you work in a crisis team in the south east region, we would love to hear from you. We would like to organise a community of practice, made up of people delivering psychological therapies in crisis teams. This community of practice will be able to give advice and opinion to a paper we are writing on "developing psychologically informed crisis teams in the south east". The paper aims to include:
We would also like to hear from you about what you would like to be included in this piece of work. What you would value having further information about, and what you think your team or trust is curious about. We will shortly be distributing a membership form so you can join this community of practice, and feed in ideas around gaps, barriers, development and work you would like to champion. The work is being undertaken by myself and Laura Goody. Both of us coming from a background in CRHT work, and with a passion to further the work that we are all doing. Membership sign up to follow shortly!
We look forward to working with you all.
Bree MacDonald
(PPN-SE Crisis Fellow)