The PPN KSS aims to have Service User and Carer involvement at its heart. Helen, Laura and Sharon provide a lived experience perspective to the network and are discussing ways that experts by experience contributions can be fully embedded into every aspect of the PPN to ensure a collaborative role.
We are very aware that the three of us do not in any way represent culturally, ethnically, by gender, age or disability, the diverse population of service users and carers in the region and we have every intention of changing that.
At a recent meeting we concluded that the best way to involve the most people with lived experience in what the PPN does is by having a thriving network which connects up a significant number of active service user and carer groups which could be consulted and involved in specific projects, invited to Steering Groups, workshops and conferences as appropriate.
A first step to this would be identifying existing groups and making contact with them. We already know a number of such groups in the three counties – but if any of you are aware of any please send contact details to PPN. We’re thinking of all kinds of groups here – young people, older people, LGBTQ+, BME, parents, men, women, anyone you can think of that would be relevant to the work that’s being done by PPN.
In order to achieve our aim of expanding the network and promoting inclusion, we would like to open up this conversation to all our members. We would therefore very much appreciate any ideas and feedback that you may have as well as contacts in the area.
Please send your comments to
Helen Leigh-Phippard and Laura Lea, Service User Consultants
Sharon Galliford, Carer Consultant
Please click here to see the principles and purpose of user and carer engagement with the PPN KSS