The PPN KSS is evolving and growing. It joins up all the psychological professions and associated stakeholders together with experts by experience, so we can collaborate, promote psychological therapies and practice, and have a more influential, strategic voice together across the region and beyond. One way to get involved in the work of the network is by setting up a PPN KSS Subnetwork. This could for example join up individual professional groups or stakeholders, or areas of interest (such as research and innovation). It is thought that each PPN Subnetwork would then have a chair who would feed into the PPN KSS Steering Group. This is a fantastic opportunity to collaborate and contribute to the work of the PPN, and strengthen a regional voice for a particular profession or area of interest!
So far there has been an interest for a PPN KSS Subnetwork for Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners and for Counsellors, which are currently being developed. There have also been discussions around how to involve Experts by Experience more inclusively, which could be via a PPN Subnetwork.
You will hear more about these newly evolving developments via our blog posts / newsletters.
Meanwhile, we are inviting an expression of interest for further PPN KSS Subnetworks. If you would like to be involved in the above, or have ideas for new Subnetworks – whether for a professional group or an interest group – please get in touch at
Alice Plummer, Clinical Programme Manager