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Promoting Excellence In Psychological Health & Wellbeing

NIHR Funding Opportunties

25 Jul 14

The NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) currently has three commissioned work stream calls open . The deadline for applications is 11th September 2014. Please see the HS&DR commissioned funding page for more information.

  • 14/154 - New research on organisation of dementia services
  • 14/155 - New research on leadership development in health and care
  • 14/156 - New research on use and usefulness of patient experience data

The MRC and NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme evaluates research into the clinical efficacy of an intervention, where proof of concept in humans has already been achieved. The EME Programme is accepting applications to its researcher-led workstream with a deadline of 30th October 2014. A webinar to learn more will take place 22nd July.

Proposals are invited on a range of Health Technology Assessment research questions for both evidence synthesis and primary research. Full details are available on the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme website.

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