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Promoting Excellence In Psychological Health & Wellbeing

Reflecting on Psychological Professions Week 2022 and Looking to the Future: Alison Bryant - NW PPN EBE Representation Steering Group

07 Dec 22

Listen to the blog audio here (3.66 MB) .


Wow, what a month we’ve had here at PPN NW - so much to celebrate. As promised, we are sharing the reflections of PPN NW EbE steering group members Bev, Hilary, Keith, me and Joe and Clare – our co-chairs on our involvement in PPWeek22 and what that means to us.

The heart of the EbE PPWeek22 session was coproduction. Every ‘i’ was dotted and ‘t’ crossed with a coproduction lens alongside Estelle and Maggie who were a dream team as convenors, and Paul, Pod, Nathalie and Rose our EbE colleagues. I hope cross regional PPN EbE dialogue and relationships continue to grow from strength to strength. The key takeaway for me from the week was a vision of healthcare where psychology is integrated fully to shape better experiences for the service users of tomorrow. A special mention to Adrian Whittington for sharing the Vision for the psychological professions ( Also, to Sunny Kalsy-Lillico for a session where her empathy and generosity supported a conversation to share experiences in healthcare that were difficult ( and to everyone taking part through the week. Finally, to thank Jaclyn a dynamo of organisational talent who put PPWeek22 on the road and on the Psychological Professions map with Polly and Rhianna.

Recordings of the informative, engaging sessions are available at - for  Psychological Professionals/ Trainees/ the Public/ Commissioners/ Health Professionals/ EbEs, and anyone else wishing to know more about the Psychological Professions!


What did members of the EbE steering group say about PPWeek22?


“Bev, you took part in the NW session live Q&A and at the joint London/NW and SE EbE session. Now you have had time to process the week what would like to share with everyone”?

“I suppose for me the key message is that the conference was a showcase for collaboration and was able to reach a wider audience because it was hosted by PPN England. We had a space to come together and discuss our lived experience to inform the audience. We were able to celebrate what we have done and to consider what we can achieve in the future. In fact, I am much more positive about the future and what EbEs, Health Professionals and the NHS can do together in reflecting on what was said and shared in those sessions”


“Clare, what was your experience of the conference, having been involved regionally and nationally. What did you take away as a Healthcare Professional”?

“For me, the impact of the involvement of EbEs in PPWeek22 is to really bring reality and authenticity into the room. Professionals all too often talk about the things that they think are important without stopping and trying to hear what it’s like to be on the receiving end of having things ‘done to you’ as an EBE. I’m struck by the fact that often professionals in their conversation overlook the basics, that mean so much for those people on the receiving end, that could be summarised in care, communication, and competence. I heard these three themes being echoed throughout the conference and what resonated with me is it’s the simple stuff that really matters”.


“Hilary, as an EbE with a wealth of experience within the NHS and in training, what was important to you in attending the conference and have you any feedback you would like to give”?

“I was suspicious about how this was all going to work but as things moved on, I relaxed realising we were listened to, and that coproduction was at the heart. Actually, because we do so much at PPN NW, we were very involved and Estelle, Maggie and Paul gave us the support we needed throughout. It was so important together to share our EbE message, but the structure also enabled me to give my own perspective. My thoughts are we need more Q&A time for the audience – maybe an extra half an hour would resolve this and to grow our network I would love to know how many EbE’s attended the sessions and from which region?”


“Joe, as our co-chair and member of the PPN NW EbE Steering group you were popping up everywhere on our screens during the conference!! What are your thoughts, how did you find the experience”?

” Well, for me planning the week and pulling all the bits and pieces together was creative and energising and working with lots of different and new people was stimulating. The whole week was a classic example of co-production. I value our PPN NW sessions working with lovely people and getting to share best practice but working across the regional PPN’s was enriching too. I think as far as the content was concerned for the national EbE session, videos that involved two people in conversation held up better than individual pieces. They felt natural, flowing easily, conversations creating energy. Keith's interview was the standout part of the afternoon for me, with insightful prompts and heartfelt lived experience shared and explored so openly. God bless Uncle Alec.” 


“Keith you were involved in the regional session and the national EbE session. How did you find that process and what resonated with you?”.

” I have to say I was very critical of myself in the recorded interview and backed away from a separate recording for the EbE session- that’s me. But I was so glad to be part of that message of transformation in coproduction with the regions - this work in HEE is long overdue.

Important messages were shared about the professions, the workforce, and demand for services as these are frightening times particularly for young people. Concerns such as does your care plan match your needs, Holistic care, focus on BAME inclusion in the professions, workforce and just sharing our lived experience as EbEs. In response to your interview with Terry and what you said that “all healthcare must be psychological”, so it should, and I couldn’t agree more”.


Next month- drum roll here!!! The blog will share our excitement as our animation is launched- so the big reveal is nearly here!! Until then a teaser and taster for you with our caricature images used in the credits. Thank you to artist James Munro for realising our vision.


Finally, a request to look at the work of Ron Gittins at a man of many talents who had lived experience of mental health challenges but left us all an extraordinary legacy in his outsider art. The landlord wants to sell the property housing this extraordinary work so its existence is under real threat. #SAVINGRONSPLACE