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Promoting Excellence In Psychological Health & Wellbeing

The Psychological Professions Network is a regional membership network for all psychological professionals contributing to NHS commissioned healthcare.

The North West Psychological Professions Network (PPN North West) was established in 2013 with support from NHS England in the North West. PPN North West was the first network providing a collective voice for all psychological professionals and it has welcomed the development of network approaches in other parts of England. The Psychological Professions Network provides an independent voice for the psychological professions. The network promotes clinical excellence and informs workforce planning, training and education.

We inform, enable and influence NHS healthcare delivery and commissioning to promote the benefits of psychological approaches for all. We engage and connect all psychological professionals to ensure a strong and cohesive voice in advising providers, commissioners, planners and policy makers. We support the safe and effective expansion of the existing and new psychological professions.


Become a Member

Becoming a member of the Psychological Professions Network gives you access to a wide variety of resources and opportunities to contribute and influence