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Promoting Excellence In Psychological Health & Wellbeing

Government 10-year Mental Health Plan: Have your say!

22 Jun 22

The Department for Health and Social Care has issued a call for evidence to inform a new 10-year mental health plan. Information about the consultation, and the accompanying discussion paper can be found at: Mental health and wellbeing plan: discussion paper and call for evidence - GOV.UK (


The plan is intended to build on the NHS Long Term Plan and is part of a wider commitment by government to work towards putting mental and physical health on an equal footing. It will form a key part of its commitments to address health disparities across the country.


The focus of the review is based on the following questions:


  • How can we all promote positive mental wellbeing?
  • How can we all prevent the onset of mental health conditions?
  • How can we all intervene earlier when people need support with their mental health?
  • How can we improve the quality and effectiveness of treatment for mental health?
  • How can we all support people with mental health conditions to live well?
  • How can we all improve support for people in crisis?


The chapters in the paper provide more context about these areas, and set out the key challenges that will need to be addressed through a 10-year plan. For each area, views are sought on a range of questions which stakeholders and people with lived experience of mental health conditions have identified as priorities.


If you would like to be part of the voice of psychological professions in this consultation please add your comments to the online survey. The closing date is 11.45pm on 7 July 2022.

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