PPN London is committed to bringing the psychological professions together to support clinical excellence, share knowledge, promote understanding and inform debate and decision making. One of the mission statements of the PPN is to be as inclusive as possible for and on behalf of those who use our services across London.
What do we mean by Communities of Practice?
How can we best ensure that we focus on the most topical issues facing London’s populations, and make sure that no one is forgotten? The Kings Fund set out the traditional frameworks that sponsor recovery: communities of interest (people linked by a shared interest or work); communities of identity (those with a shared culture or experience); geographical communities (towns, streets, regions) and communities of circumstance (people brought together by shared experience).
Communities of Practice provide the opportunity for practitioners, trainees and stakeholders to come together under common clinical themes and topics. They are run by their own members with support from the PPN. Members are offered the opportunity to join the Communities of Practice that interest them when they become members of the network. Through this you can access topic specific events, contribute to discussion boards and access resources.
If you would like to bring your group into the network and use the support of PPN London to set up your own Community of Practice, please contact us by emailing: