Welcome to the home page for PPN London which formed as a regional membership network for the psychological professions in 2021. Welcome to all those aspiring to join the psychological professions workforce, to service users, experts by experience, consultants with lived experience, and to other key stakeholders who contribute to value-for-money, NHS-commissioned psychological healthcare across London.
The London PPN is funded by Health Education England to sponsor the provision of a joined-up voice for the psychological professions in workforce planning and development and support excellence in practice in all the settings. Please do browse our pages to explore the wide-ranging initiatives that are in place to promote this agenda across London. You might be interested in the short films produced from our year one celebration event, with presentations from regional experts on children’s mental health, community-based support for women and families living with adversity, the emboldening of Trauma-Informed Care in the capital and the resilience work undertaken to support the well-being of NHS, Care home and London Ambulance staff of all backgrounds and roles who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic.
In London we have five Integrated care systems and a wide and established range of health care providers who are all facing individual workforce challenges at this time. In order to support the innovation required to deliver the expansion set out in the NHS Long Term plan, in the London PPN we seek to grow our network and share information that will enable providers across the region to support a sustainable workforce and implement redesign where required. We have an active workforce council which meets regularly to support the PPN team in promoting inspirational practice, finding service models that work and setting out the training and competence frameworks that are system priorities. If you would like to find out more about our upcoming events, please see our newsletters, annual calendar and tweets for further information.
We are keen to include the whole psychological professions workforce in the region. So if you work in an environment or role that is unique, we would like to hear from you.
There are seven NHS regions in England and we are aiming to create a Psychological Professions Networks in each. Enter your postcode below to discover what is happening in your region.