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Promoting Excellence In Psychological Health & Wellbeing

The CWP subnetwork sits within the CYP community of practice. The hope and initial thinking for this group is for it to become a shared learning and supportive space for qualified and trainee CWPs. CWPs form a key part of the workforce supporting Children and Young People’s mental health. With the CWP role continuing to be developed at a National Level, this subnetwork could form a key supportive role for those training and qualified professions as these roles continue to evolve. It is recognised there are many similarities between the work of CWPs and EMHPs but also the need for each profession to develop its own distinct voice/role. To support this, separate subnetworks will be set up within the CYP Community of practice but it is anticipated that there would be opportunities for shared learning between the sub network groups. The work of this group will be led and developed by CWPs in the EoE.


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Becoming a member of the Psychological Professions Network gives you access to a wide variety of resources and opportunities to contribute and influence