Dear Colleagues,
Last week, the British Psychological Society's (BPS) Register for a number of psychological professions roles was accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, an independent statutory body accountable to Parliament.
We understand that the British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) application for a similar register is in progress, and we expect an outcome in the not-too-distant future. Both schemes remain equivalent in terms of our recognition.
The five roles on the BPS and BABCP registers are:
From June 2022, PWPs need to be registered with either the BPS or BABCP register in order to practice in NHS commissioned services.
The BPS and BABCP websites have all the details about what is required and how the registration process works.
The opportunity for qualified EMHPs and CWPs to register will be available from Autumn 2022. The date by which registration is required is being agreed between registering bodies, HEE and NHS England, and a comms strategy will be developed accordingly.
Kind Regards,
National Mental Health Programme
Health Education England