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Promoting Excellence In Psychological Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner National Event

23 Dec 24

Read here to find out more about the discussions of the MHWP event.

On Thursday 21st November 2024 representatives from each of the seven regional Psychological Professions Networks (PPN) came together with service representatives and Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioners (MHWPs) with two key aims. The first of these was to have an opportunity to share learning and good practice of the range of different activities happening in different regions to support the implementation of MHWPs over the last two years. The second aim was to give an opportunity to ensure there was a really good understanding of the challenges currently faced by MHWPs and begin to think about what the PPNs might be able to do to help support and move forward the embedding of this new and important role.

Please find the article here to read more about the discussions of the MWHP event. 

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